IBA Info was started with the intention to build an objective and quantitative picture of IBA agreements across Canada. This article describes the challenges with building this picture and the way to resolve some of these challenges.
Analysis | Commentary | In Practice | News
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Métis Significantly Underrepresented in Benefits from Mining
The IBA signed between NexGen and the Métis of Saskatchewan is historic, but it should be viewed in the broader context of Métis participation in mining benefits across Canada.
Significant Growth in Mining Payments to Ontario Indigenous Communities Over 5 Years
2021 marked an all-time high for reported payments by mining companies to Indigenous governments in Ontario. We look at the trend and the driving factors.
Comparing IBA Payment Amounts Across Canada
Canada’s provinces and territories are all subject to the same constitutional protections for Aboriginal and Treaty rights, yet Indigenous peoples across Canada face very different prospects when it comes to sharing in the benefits of natural resource extraction.